Monday, 25 April 2011

My bank holiday face

Hello beauts,
So today is a Bank Holiday and I hope you're all doing wonderful things with lovely people, with hopefully a very sunshiney day! Today I'm just going out for lunch and wander with my Mum, Stepdad and Boyfriend. I think going out for lunch/dinner or even breakfast is one of my favourite things to do... I love food! I feel like it's such a social thing rather than just a survival thing lol. I hope we get to munch on some garden pub grub!

Maybelline Superstay 24h foundation
Elf HD powder
17 blusher, Brickie
NYC mosaic blush wheel, Pink Cheek Glow

Elf brow kit, Medium
Cream/gold eyeshadow over whole lid, Sleek Storm palette
Urban Decay 24/7 eye khol, Zero
Rimmel Lash Accelerator mascara

NYX lipstick, Strawberry Milk
NYX lipstick, Gem

Sorry I didn't get a close up of my eyes or anything, it isn't anything special so don't feel like you're missing out ;) Can you see the freckles on my nose?! They always come out in the sun, lol. Thought I'd throw in how I'm wearing my hair today .as well... again nothing special!

Enjoy your day sweets!


  1. you look lovely, playsuit it cute :) x

  2. So pretty, that's a gorgeous lip shade


  3. Aw you're so pretty! Love your hair :) x

  4. I wish that Blogger had a puke button so I could puke on you all directly but blergh! Please check back because I do puke x^0


I appreciate and read every single comment that you guys leave. I wish that Blogger had a reply button so I could speak to you all directly but meh! Please check back because I do reply :)