Sunday, 3 July 2011

My week in photographs

For those of you who didn't know, I've been house sitting and looking after the animals for my Mum and Stepdad who are currently in Madeira, Portugal. They're probably on their way to the airport ready to come home as I type! So I'll be whizzing round with a hoover in a minute! So to be honest, I've really done almost nothing this week - it's been a nice wind down after exams :)

1,2,3,4: These little ones (or not quite so little in Dolly's case), have been taking up most of my time! Dolly (German Shep) wants to play 24/7! Which I suppose has been quite good exercise for me, haha. My mum gave me strict orders to water her tomato plants everyday and I found it hilarious that Dolly kept trying to 'chomp' the water, so cute! Other strict orders include; not letting the dog on the sofas and not letting her sleep on the bed, both of which have been broken!

5: I've been chowing down plenty of very healthy breakfasts such as sausage sandwiches... adding a fried egg every now and then too. Oh god, my diet has been awful this week. When I'm back home I'm back on healthy eat plan and project sit ups + squats. Lol! I've also had 2 takeaways this week :| Yummy pizza and chicken wings when I went round to my best friends new flat, and Chinese last night in front of the David Haye fight with the boy!

6: Thankfully, the weather has been really great this week (apart from Tuesday I think, when we had a thunderstorm) so I have been spending a little time in the garden catching some rays with a drink filled to the brim with ice!

7,8: I love living on the coast, I've mentioned it so many times and I really cannot imagine not being able to see the sea pretty much everyday. The other night it was about 9.30pm and it was still light, so I couldn't resist a little stroll on the sea front. There was no one around and the sky was beautiful!

Hope you've all had a wonderful week!


  1. looks like a yummy sandwich :)

  2. haha, aww at your dog and cat ^_^ <3

  3. haha gorgeous dog!x

  4. My German sheperd does the exact same!
    Great post xxxx

  5. your dog is completely adorable :)
    & I live by the sea too and I know what you mean, it's going to be so weird if I ever move away from the sea!! x

  6. really cute dog and i love the emotion onm the cat's pic. so cute:3

  7. @Jordy - Haha, it was pretty yum!

    @Fern - I suppose they're okay ;)

    @Cee Harvey - N'aw thanks :D

    @Jess - Lol, it's so cute! I couldn't stop doing it

    @Radiant.MakeUp - Aw thank you, I know I love the smell of the sea! And it's reassuring in a way seeing it all the time, I feel so lucky!

    @buy rift accounts - Haha! Thank you hun <3



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